Saturday, 28 March 2009

Stuck in a rut

Illustration made for my final year film, I'ts not going to be in the film now... but it was good fun to do.
Pencil/Digital Paint


Here is some more graphic design work, bits and pieces I've done over the past few years.
Aqui les dejo mas ejemplos de trabajos de diseño que he hecho en los ultimos años.

Poster campaign for the Bristol and Avon Constabulary.
We came second place and still got a cash reward!
This idea was developed my myself and designer Hemel Dave.

Typo poster, pro-royalty.
We had to pick an issue and defend its point of view.

No more land mines!!!

Still from the credits I designed for a short animated clip called "Hoyden",
collaborative project: 2 animators (Tom Malins and myself) and a composer.

View from one of Buenos Aires talest buildings

Friday, 27 March 2009

To start it all...

The first post, I will be using this blog as an online portfolio, so you will find all sorts of different things. including: Animation, Graphic Design and Illustration work I've been doing for the past years of university life.

Voy a estar usando este blog como mi portafolio, voy a subir una muestra de trabajos en los que he estado trabajando en los ultimos años de mi vida universitaria. Es una mezcla de trabajos de Animacion, Diseño Grafico e Ilustracion.

AKI Poster - Holland

Typographical resoponse to a location in Bristol, we were asked to observe the same location for 5 hours.